Design > Interdisciplinary > Furniture | Artefacts | Wearables | Installations
Inspired by natural patterns and created using code and digital techniques to create full-scale pieces that can easily be reproduced. They highlight the possibilities that lie ahead in integrating digital processes in an interdisciplinary design workflow.
Parametric Dress,
Inspired by an architectural pattern that was created for The Symbiotic Towers Plaza design, the pattern has been adopted to the dress design, using a laser cutter for itching, scoring and cutting techniques to follow the body movement. It symbolises the body’s desire to commune with nature and its patterns. The dress was made in collaboration with fashion designer Kay Li.
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Jewellery inspired by Natural Patterns,
The pieces were created during a free workshop organised through U-NAT as part of Dubai Design Week, 2016. Using GH code, each participant had the opportunity to interact with the code to change three parameters by inputting their birthday, which then gets re-mapped to change certain features of each piece, making it unique to that person.
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