Design > Interdisciplinary > Furniture | Artefacts | Wearables | Installations
Exploring design possibilities at the intersection of nature, design and technology, the following two pavilion-size projects were realised using different techniques and material systems for their realisation. They highlight the possibilities that lie ahead in integrating digital processes in an interdisciplinary design workflow.
Aviated Stigmergy
3d Installation for Dubai Airport Lobby,
Inspired by the self-organising principle of Stigmergy as observed in social insects and human behaviour, Aviated Stigmergy is a data-processing 3d printed system designed to use public aviation data to simulate passengers and flights movements to different destinations. Throughout the integration of computer open-source software, agents –based system was generated to simulate passengers density, and configured to allow agents to move and interact based on the Stigmergy principle to connect Dubai with the different destinations around the world. Size 2.7 x 2.7 m.
The project was done in Collaboration with Marta Krivosheek.
Adaptive Tensegrity
Waiting/Gathering Space
An adaptable, lightweight, interactive tensegrity-based structure that integrates photovoltaic cells within its tensioned fabric. Photovoltaic solar panels, in the form of a thin film, act as portable solar charging cells that generate electricity to power the LED lights at night and to provide power points for the different uses in the pavilion. The design encourages users’ interaction to adjust its triangular panels to adapt to the different orientations in order to optimise sun exposure of the roof panels and the climatic conditions inside. Additionally, the lightweight structure folds down into a small package for easy transport and re-erection on another site.
The project was done in Collaboration with Marta Krivosheek.