Teaching > Academic Teaching | Workshops & Global Schools
Workshops and Global Schools
As part of ongoing research and U-NAT educational activities, I conducted several workshops in several countries over the past few years in collaboration with other computational designers and researchers. The workshops introduced participants to tools and techniques of a variety of leading-edge parametric and generative computational design subjects, from design to fabrication.
From 2014 to 2022, we conducted approximately 34 workshops across seven countries, catering to participants ranging from beginners to those engaging in research-based advanced workshops. Each workshop focused on a specific subject through an intensive design exercise format. The initial days of the workshops were dedicated to introducing students to digital tools and techniques. Subsequently, participants formed groups to develop their projects, culminating in presentations on the final day. These workshops gained popularity in Dubai and started attracting participants from diverse global locations, establishing U-NAT as a recognized educational hub for digital design.
We have compiled the work of the participants of some of these research-based workshops into separate portfolios, which we shared on the d-NAT page on issuu.com.
Below is a list of these workshops with their briefs, along with the issuu links to the portfolios.
Published Portfolios
Evolving Permutations
Morphological Adaptation
Evolving Morphologies
Non-Linear Formations
Complexity Parameterised 03
Performative Systems 03
Performative Systems 02
Behavioral Topologies
Reparameterized 06
The dhow
Complexity Parameterised 02
Informed Clay
Complexity Parameterised 01
Encoded Memory
Fabricated Topologies 02
Fabricated Topologies-01
Parametric Shadows
Performative Systems
Reparameterized 05
Reparameterised 04
Informed verticality
Reparameterised 02
Mushrabiya Reparameterised
Reparameterized 01
Adaptive Skins
Adaptive Skins Image
Behavioural Topologies
Performative Systems
Performative Systems
Repameterized 03
Informed Clay
4-5th and 11-12th June /2022 • Online •London
Evolving Permutations
The workshop explored Genetic Algorithms as an exploratory and optimisation process using Snowflake - a newly developed interactive plugin, and applied the developed method to design high-rise morphologies in a selected urban context.
The workshop introduced participants to the working principles of engaging with GAs to solve multi-objective optimisation problems first, then moved into a more advanced level of interacting with the algorithm to guide the evolution to reflect the participant's intuition or preference. Using Snowflake, the newly developed interactive plug-in, the learned design process was applied in the generation of multi-story morphologies on a selected site. The outcome of the design exercise incorporates quantitative performance-based objectives, along with qualitative intuitive ones. The proposed process is an attempt to create a dialogue between human intuition and genetic algorithms that may enable a varied and richer space of viable design solutions.
09th April - 11th April/2022 • Online • CAADRIA workshop
Morphological Adaptation
The workshop explored Genetic Algorithms as an exploratory and optimisation process using Snowflake - a newly developed interactive plugin, and applied the developed method to design high-rise morphologies in a selected urban context.
The workshop introduced participants to the working principles of engaging with GAs to solve multi-objective optimisation problems first, then moved into a more advanced level of interacting with the algorithm to guide the evolution to reflect the participant's intuition or preference. Using Snowflake, the newly developed interactive plug-in, the learned design process was applied in the generation of multi-story morphologies on a selected site. The outcome of the design exercise incorporates quantitative performance-based objectives, along with qualitative intuitive ones. The proposed process is an attempt to create a dialogue between human intuition and genetic algorithms that may enable a varied and richer space of viable design solutions.
29th Jun - 2nd July/2021 • Online •in collaboration with DigitalFutures
Evolving Morphologies
The workshop explored Interactivity in Genetic Algorithms as an exploratory and optimisation process and applied the developed method to design high-rise morphologies in a selected urban context. Genetic algorithms are well known for solving multi-objective optimisation problems. They are of particular interest to architects as they operate on producing a population of design solutions rather than just a single design. As architectural design is inherently multi-objective and involves the negotiation of a huge number of often conflicting quantitative and qualitative objectives, the architect’s intervention in the evolutionary loop became essential to guide such complexity beyond the mere optimisation and towards incorporating the designer’s subjective judgement.
31st March - 3rd April/2019 • Dubai •in collaborations with Object, Mateusz Zwierzycki
Non-Linear Formations
Generative processes suggest new ways of integrating computation in the design process. Non-linear formations aim to explore the potential of generative growth processes to produce formations of different scales and complexity. Natural growth processes share common traits such as being non-linear, rule-based, and iterative. Drawing a parallel between natural systems behaviour and computer growth processes such as branching systems, diffusion-limited aggregation and other rule-based processes, we developed non-linear growth processes and evaluated the spatial results and forms across a wide range of scales - from Material to Architectural scale.
04-06 Jan/2018 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib
Complexity Parameterized-03
The recent development of sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of sources. Fabricated Topologies-Beginners is a 3-day workshop that has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore the possibilities of the new design medium.
12-16/March/2018 • Sydney • Zayad Motlib
Performative Systems 03
Designing with environmental sensibility is evolving as a vital subject in architecture on both professional and academic levels. We are at a critical moment wherein environmental considerations are becoming increasingly important in the design process. Set in a studio environment, the workshop will introduce an integrated approach to designing multi-story buildings with environmental sensibility. It will provide participants with tools and techniques to integrate environmental data and site-specific issues early in the design process and be able to respond to them in their design. It will also focus on teaching students how to deploy these principles as a design strategy for different types of projects.
5-8/Feb/2018 • Baghdad • Zayad Motlib
Performative Design 02
Designing with environmental sensibility is evolving as a vital subject in architecture on both professional and academic level. We are at a critical moment wherein environmental considerations are becoming increasingly important in the design process. Set in a studio environment, the workshop will introduce an integrated approach to design multi story buildings with environmental sensibility. It will provide participants with tools and techniques to integrate environmental data and site-specific issues early in the design process, and be able to respond to them in their design. It will also focus on teaching students how to deploy these principles as a design strategy for different types of projects.
17-20/Jan/2018 • Bahrain • Zayad Motlib, in collaboration with Mattia Santi and Francesca Silvi
Behavioural Topologies
Behavioural Topologies investigated the relationship between topology and form-finding strategies. Participants have developed their own selected projects, using techniques presented in the workshop. Workshop exercises explored the use of Polygonal Modelling in combination with Particle Systems, Structural Analysis, Topology Optimisation, Evolutionary Solvers and Vectorial Fields to design forms of different scale and complexity. The proposed workflow combined the use of Maya, Rhino, and Grasshopper with some plug-ins such as Kangaroo, Millipede, Weaverbird, and others. During the workshop, participants have been introduced to polygonal modeling in Maya, visual programming in grasshopper, and learned how to prepare their final model for 3D Printing.
4-6/Jan/2018 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib
Reparameterized - 0.6
The recent development of sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of sources. Complexity Parameterised is a 3-day workshop that has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore possibilities of the new design medium.
18-27/Dec/2017 • Bahrain • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Mawane
Bahrain Winter School
10-12/Sep/2017 • Baghdad • Zayad Motlib
Complexity Parameterized 0.2
The recent development of sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of sources. Fabricated Topologies-Beginners is a 3-day workshop that has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore the possibilities of the new design medium.
10-12/Nov/2017 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with co-de-it, Andrea Graziano
in.FORM.ed Clay
The three-day workshop explored new possibilities of the robots and digital materialisation to redefine artefacts design far beyond the pre-determined creation of forms. Through the code-matter-machine interaction process, inFORMed Clay participants studied the potential emergent behaviours of the system as well as learnt and exerted a new sensibility to the computational design/fabrication process by tapping into the self-organisation properties of matter as a key factor in determining characteristics of the output shape. The aim was to go beyond the current state of prototyping wherein the physical prototype is a clone of its digital counterpart, thus making fabrication a purely a replication phase. Instead, by coding and embedding additional levels of informations related to defining robotic behaviour and material properties, the production and digital fabrication phase becomes an integral part of the design process.
21-23/Sep/2017 • Bahrain • Zayad Motlib
Complexity Parameterized 0.1
The recent development of sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of sources. Fabricated Topologies-Beginners is a 3-day workshop that has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore possibilities of the new design medium.
04-08/April/2017 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with DesignMorphine and Object, Mateusz Zwierzycki
Encoded Memory
The five-day workshop explored the potential of machine learning neural networks in the development of an urban fabric of a particular sector in Dubai. We demonstrated how the parametric model can be presented to the network and how does it influence its effectiveness and decisions making process in directing the design workflow. The workshop tested multiple data input and explored the network response based on the self-learning generative nature of the network. Based on the network interpretation to the input data, participants were able to visualise the network growth outcome, and understand its data interpretation and decision making process. Behaviour of the system was therefore developed by assessing its propagation on a basic organisation level, then developing it to work on a variety of urban levels.
17-21/Jan/2017 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Co-de-it, Andrea Graziano
Fabricated Topologies
Fabricated Topologies” explored form-finding techniques using complex mesh topologies to generate and fabricate different scale prototypes. The five-day workshop introduced participants to parametric design to fabrication workflow using force-based form-finding techniques to generate, simulate, fabricate, and assemble different scale prototypes using a combination of Rhino/Grasshopper with selected plug-ins such as Kangaroo, Ivy, Weaverbird, and a few others. Different topologies have been developed as a result of a negotiation between the applied forces, the selected material, and the design intent as set by the different participants.
5-7/Jan/2017 • Sharjah • Zayad Motlib
Fabricated Topologies_Beginners
The recent development of sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of sources. Fabricated Topologies-Beginners is a 3-day workshop that has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore the possibilities of the new design medium. The workshop will also prepare participants for the entry-level of the intermediate/advanced workshop Fabricated Topologies, which is taking place on Jan 17-21, 2017.
29/Oct/2016 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib and Marta Krivosheek
As part of Dubai Design Week, Growth is an introductory 3d printing event that aims to introduce people to the possibilities offered by the 3d-printing technology. The process integrates personal data taken from each participant, such as their date of birth or an anniversary, and translate it into a 3d printing piece in the form of a jewellery. The printed pieces are inspired by algorithmic structure taken from growth systems as found in nature to produce unique design artefacts. They exhibit a variety of natural forms and patterns while each relates to the personal data as fed by the participants.
29-31/July/2016 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib and Marta Krivosheek
Parametric Shadows
Parametric shadows is a design to fabrication workshop which employs parametric design techniques to design and fabricate a lamp shed. The 4-day workshop- which runs over two weekends - has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The workshop program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore possibilities of the new design medium, then to apply the learning techniques to design and fabricate a parametric skin that will be adopted as a lamp shed, produced with a laser cutter or a 3d printer. The workshop aims is to teach students principles of parametric design and the process of taking their design out of the computer and into realisation.
27-30/Jan/2016 • Dubai• Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Co-de-it, Andrea Graziano
Materialize workshop aimed to explore the relationship between form generation, materials, and applied forces. This process, which is referred to as topological optimisation, seeks to optimise material distribution within a certain boundary condition. It entails a shift from traditional form-finding techniques to processes of a generative and performative nature by assuming a seamless integration of geometry, material, and performance. We will be exploring matter and agent behaviour through Grasshopper (with Millipede, Anemone and Cocoon plugins), interrogating the aesthetic potential of Topological Optimisation and Multi-Agent Systems to generate material-driven adaptive structures. This workshop will introduce the starting knowledge for further research on the subject of materiality as a design input that informs form generation.
22-23/Jan/2016 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Marta Krivosheek
Reparameterized 0.2
The recent development of sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of sources. Reparameterized is a 2-day workshop that has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore possibilities of the new design medium.
5-9/Jan/2016 • Muscat, Oman • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Co-de-iT, Andrea Graziano
Performative Skins
Designing with environmental sensibility is evolving as a vital subject in architecture on both professional and academic level. We are at a critical moment wherein environmental considerations are becoming increasingly important in the design process. Set in a studio environment, the workshop will introduce an integrated approach to design multi story buildings with environmental sensibility. It will provide participants with tools and techniques to integrate environmental data and site-specific issues early in the design process, and be able to respond to them in their design. It will also focus on teaching students how to deploy these principles as a design strategy for different types of projects.
2-3/Oct/2015 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Marta Krivosheek
Reparameterized 0.5
The recent development of sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of sources. Reparameterized is a 2-day workshop that has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore possibilities of the new design medium.
29 May/ 01 Jun/2015 • Sharjah • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Co-de-iT, Andrea Graziano
The space where we live can be monitored in many ways and it appears, even more, to be in a state of flux - a gradient of data in continuous evolution and change. Our understanding of the surrounding environment is improving everyday due to our ability to scan and sample the environment around us at increasing resolution using better technologies and sensors. Hence the space is revealed, beyond its physical boundaries, as an ever-changing data field. Our capability to act and design the space itself can be enhanced by the use of specific tools which are able to inform the design process with more accurate, specific and adaptable manifold of data streams and patterns.
17-19/April/2015 • Sharjah • Zayad Motlib
Reparameterized 0.4
The recent development of sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of sources. Reparameterized is a 2-day workshop that has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore possibilities of the new design medium.
30 Jan - 03 Feb/2015 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Co-de-iT, Andrea Graziano
inFORMed verticality
InFORMed Verticality is an advanced Grasshopper workshop that aims to explore ‘data embodiment strategies’ to inform the generation of vertical digital morphologies through the integration of a specific set of conditions and rules. We will be exploring data processing methodologies of self-organising processes to generate digital systems using advanced mesh modelling techniques and assess their application in the development of differentiated complex systems of vertical structures; starting with a simple formation and moving into more complex ones. The aim is to teach participants algorithmic design methodologies through the integration of selected information and data articulation to generate spatial and architectural vertical formations.
2-6/Sep/2014 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Co-de-iT Alessio Erioli
EXPOn-tial is an Advanced Grasshopper workshop aimed to explore the potential of growth processes and assess their application in the development of an urban fabric. Natural growth processes share common traits such as being non-linear, rule-based, and iterative. Drawing a parallel between natural systems behaviour and computer growth processes such as branching systems, diffusion-limited aggregation and other rule-based processes, we developed non-linear growth processes and evaluated the spatial results and forms across a wide range of scales - from Material to Urban scale. The behaviour of growth processes depended largely on material properties as they influenced clustering and distribution across a terrain. The system was developed by assessing their potential character on a basic level of organisation first, then developing it to work on adaptation processes of autonomous, coherent objects on a variety of scales.
15-16/Aug/2014 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib
Reparameterized 0.1
The recent development of sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of sources. Reparameterized is a 2-day workshop that has been designed for participants with no previous experience in Grasshopper or parametric design techniques. The program will introduce them to both the theoretical and technical knowledge required to explore the possibilities of the new design medium.
2-5/April/2014 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Co-de-iT, Andrea Graziano
Responsive Skins
Throughout the engagement of parametric digital tools, the workshop will introduce design exercises to re-visit the traditional Mashrabiya and to liberate it from its repetitive pattern and form. By introducing different methods of creating variations within the subdivided surface in response to certain forces, the new parametric skin will become responsive to different levels of interactions. New levels of transparency will thus arise from a communicative act between the observer and the observed, between light and dark, between movement and stillness, between openness and enclosure. The dialectical relation between the skin, which implies enclosing, and transparency, which suggests the opposite, will be re-examined in the new data driven responsive skin.

28 Jan - 1 Feb/2014 • Dubai • Zayad Motlib in collaboration with Co-de-iT, Andrea Graziano
Adaptive Skins
Over the last two decades, the digital revolution instigated new typologies of architectural skins and patterns. Patterns started to acquire a new role in the architectural form, moving beyond their historical symbolic decorative role into spatial devices; correlating with form structural and environmental properties. The workshop explored this paradigm shift of the function of patterns from being decorative additive elements, into performative integral elements with technical responsibilities for daylight modulation, temperature control, and space enclosure.