Before I take on a full time position at XJTLU, teaching has always been a venue of exploration and experimentation. My involvement in the academia has never been through the traditional path. Next to my involvement in leading design studios at Auckland and Sydney universities, I have often been invited as a guest reviewer at several universities in Dubai and Sydney including AUS (American university of Sharjah), AUD American University of Dubai, Ajman University, University of Sharjah, Sydney University and UNSW. I have also taught several digital design workshops at U-NAT, and led Bahrain Global Winter School. In my teaching, I challenge the traditional form of thinking about architecture and design, encouraging the student to look at the new cultural changes as initiated by the evolving integration of digital technology in our life.
This section contains a collection of selected students’ work from university and workshops.
Write few lines about yourself as a teacher and a professor, where have you taught in universities and about the workshops you did. State that