Animated Shadows
Animated shadows is my personal exhibition within the Dis-parallel spaces exhibition.
In 1810, Goethe produced his Theory of Colours. He wrote “If we look long through a blue pane of glass, everything afterwards appears in sunshine to the naked eye, even if the sky is grey and the scene colourless.”
Animated shadows is an experimental formation employing the reflections and refractions of the different colours of the light on a cliff face. By virtue of its orientation as well as its proximity to the ocean, a cliff face can display a variety of colours. Stone, metal, and glass are composed as interlocking blades, creating overlapping spaces animating the reflected light. Coloured shards of glass are inserted between them, filtering the sunlight into different colours, and patterning the walls with their effect. Each space begins as neutral space, silent space, animated through its specific light pattern throughout the day. A journey throughout those spaces is an encounter to Goethe’s Theory of Colours and its effect on a cliff face perception.